Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn is an excellent game; there's no other way around it. However, some people think it's a bad game. Let me be perfectly clear: while Fire Emblem is DEFINITELY NOT A SERIES FOR EVERYONE, it is by no means a bad game. Some people like to think otherwise, however, and for me, it's upsetting.
Search "Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn Review" on google, and the first result is the Gamespot review that gives it a measly 6/10 (They gave the GBA games 8.9/10, so it's not the series). Their reasons for not liking are complete bull. The second reason really made me laugh: they basically said "It's too hard." USE THE DIFFICULTLY SETTING YOU {insert infinitely long and explicit string here}!!!" I mean seriously, it has a difficulty setting; I personally liked that it was hard, but I guess the people at Gamespot are a bunch of lame casual gamers. They also said that the plot was bad: granted, it isn't an amazing plot, but it's not terrible either. Another complaint they had was that it didn't utilize the motion controls of the controller. How do you apply the Wii's motion controls to game where you control units from an overhead view in a practical way that makes sense? You can't. Their final complaint was that it's graphics weren't that great; they looked fine to me, but they weren't spectacular.
You want to know why I'm right? Gamespot gave it a 6/10; the users gave it an 8.6/10 (Metacritic says that it overall got an 7.8/10 with a user score of 8.9/10 [for comparison purposes]). Gamespot really screwed up that review big time, and the gamers know it. Oh well, it gives us more to laugh at. To be fair, sites that rate games have a hard job; they have to somehow honestly rate a game that people are going to consider in their purchases. Unfortunately, game ratings fall into 3 categories when compared to the general consensus: Complete agreement (Think something like Bioshock or Mario 64), Overhyped (Think Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2), and Underhyped (Think Psychonauts or Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn).
I know this is all technically my opinion, but frankly, I'm a Mother Panda so your argument is invalid.
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