If you didn't figure it out from the title, this post is about using aureate language to buffalo or galvanize the people around you. True nerds will envisage the preponderance of this business. So, without further impediment, let's instigate this post!
The paramount thing that one must necessitate is to utilize the most wordage in a eloquent fashion. This is cardinal if one fancies having a sumptuous embrace of language. Here are a few paradigms to elucidate this:
Case 1: "I'm doing well."
This sentence is incalculably hackneyed and monotonous. In lieu of this, say: "I am in very emphatic mood currently!"
Case 2: "Have a nice day."
This sentence is marred with cliche and trite word usage. Say "Have a stupendous diurnal course! Adieu!"
Now that you have annexed a intrinsic acumen of diction, try to assimilate some of the vocabulary below to further embellish your knowledge(NOTE: The definitions below may not be shown in their entireties [i.e. multiple definitions may not be shown] ):
Abditive: (adj) Having the quality of hiding
Abraid: (v) To awaken or arouse
Alible: (adj) Nourishing
Aristarch: (n) A severe critic
Ataraxia: (adj) Tranquility
Axilla: (n) Armpit
Balderdash (n): Nonsense
Bete Noire: (n) A person or thing strongly detested or avoided
B**** Godness: (n) material or worldly success [Censored to prevent internet filters from blocking the site]
Bon viviant: (n) A person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes
Brickle: (adj) Brittle
Burg: (n) Town/City
Buxom: (adj) Obedient, Tractable
Caitiff: (adj) Cowardly, or despicable
Calcify: (v) To make inflexible or unchangeable
Chuff: (n) Boor, Churl
Cognitive Dissonance: (n) Physiological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously
Crwth: (n) Crowd
Datum: (n) Something given or admitted especially as a basis for reasoning or inference
Demur: (n) Hesitation
Dirdum: (n) blame
Dotage: (n) State or period of senile decay marked by mental poise and alertness
Dotard: (n) A person in his dotage
Dynamo: (n) Generator; A forceful energetic individual
Eclat: (n) Dazzling effect, Brilliance
Eft: (n) Newt
Epaulet: (n) Something that ornaments or protects the shoulder
Fag: (n) Cigarette
Feirie: (adj) Nimble, Strong
Foment: (v) To promote the growth or development of
Frijol: (n) Bean
Gaiety: (n) Merrymaking
Germane: (adj) Being at once relevant or appropriate
Gey: (adv) Very, Quite
Grisette: (n) A young women combining part-time prostitution with some other occupation; A working class French women
Gyve: (n) Fetter, Shackle
Haberdasher: (n) A dealer in small wares
Hebdomad: (n) A group of seven
Hidrosis: (n) Excretion of sweat
Homoscedastic: (adj) Having equal statistical variances
Ice: (n) An undercover premium payed to a theater employee for choice tickets
Imprimis: (adv) In the first place [used to introduce a list of items or considerations]
Inviscid: (adj) Having zero viscosity
Iwis: (adv) Certainly
Jabiru: (n) Any of several large tropical storks
Jobbery: (n) The act or practice of jobbing [especially corruption in public office]
Juxta: (adj) Situated near
Kay: (n) The letter 'k'
Kink: (n) A clever or unusual way of doing something
Koine: (n) Dialect or language of a region that has become the common or standard language of a larger area.
Kyte: (n) Stomach, Belly
Lakh: (n) A great number
Lily: (adj) Resembling a lily in fairness, purity, or fragility
Loquacious: (adj) Garrulous
Lusty: (adj) Robust
Okay, screw this. I was going to do A-Z, but this is taking way too long.
Now, remember these 2 things about using higher vocabulary:
1. Use more obscure nouns in lieu of common nouns
2. Use more obscure definitions of common words
That's all for now,
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ACRONYM of the Blog
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