Monday, November 15, 2010

BLOG AUTHOR used Phoenix Down

As long as we're getting back into the swing of things, I might as well start posting again too. I'll be taking care of webcomics, the oft-ignored and quintessential representation of much of the nerdiness on the internet. I'll be updating Thursday afternoons, because Monday-Wednesday are exceedingly busy for me, Friday was taken, and Saturday and Sunday seem to be off-limits for real posting.

So, what will I be saying about webcomics? I have no idea! Reviews, updates, plugs, flames, whatever the heck I feel like. Who knows? As the blog (hopefully) gains momentum and notoriety, you might even get a few interviews from some of the artists (I have my sights set on Mookie Terracciano, Chris Hastings, Ryan Sohmer, Garth Graham, and maybe even Brian Clevinger). I'll of course deviate into other topics occasionally... I'll most likely remain the main voice for RTS gaming here, but there's been a lack of outstanding games in that genre as of late (that I've heard about anyway), with the possible exception of StarCraft II.

I might also rant about filler posts on occasion (the fact that this is one not withstanding... actually, it doesn't even count as that, given that it's not a Thursday. Hooray for narrowly-dodged hypocrisy!).

Anyway, enough of this. I'll get back to you fine folks on Thursday.

-Defender of the Blog, RTB

1 comment:

  1. apparently my post didn't send earlier. As you can see, there are more posters than weekdays, so obviously people will be doubling up on some days, and that's fine, just nobody on sunday :P
