Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Et tu Internet?

Welcome, all, to another edition of Posts by Entropy. Today is going to be a little bit different because I’m not at college anymore. While this should be incredibly exciting after the months of work I’ve put in, it only means that I have SERIOUS INTERNET CONNECTION ISSUES that I didn’t have before. As such, the only connection I can get is on a computer with a broken sound card. Now, this creates a little bit of a problem for talking about music. Generally, being able to analyze it involves actually hearing it. Thus, I’m going to have to switch up my topics this time.

For your entertainment, I am going to make a list of things the value of which college has made me truly aware.

A Reliable Internet Connection

The lack of reliable internet causes a variety of problems. For example, at my house there are three computers. If the internet doesn't work with mine, I'm forced to use another one. The other two are ancient and just barely above useless. Both are slow, one has a broken sound card, and the other one is too buggy to even know what the real problem is. For some reason, the internet gods have decided that only the one I'm on shall work for any extended period of time. This not only makes it difficult to post on time or on the right subject, but it keeps me from playing any internet-based games on my laptop (which is all of them). I am now in the painful situation of being a gamer cut off from the games I have become accustomed to playing for the past few months (aka Minecraft which does not work offline for some reason and would be futile to attempt on a laggy computer such as this one, and DDO) as well as being cut off from skype which is a major medium of communication for friends.

A Computer That Doesn't Automatically Skip A Line Upon Hitting Enter No Matter What You Set It To

This annoys me to no end as I have a very specific format I wish to write in and I'm not able to do so.


Sleep is good. College is not conducive to sleep for three reasons: working in the lab kept me in class/work from 10-6pm some days, homework takes time that sleeping might ideally occupy, and my friends do not go to my college meaning that every weekend is a series of nights even later than during the week. Now that I'm out for a bit, I have a chance at getting sleep once in a while if I can pull myself away from other projects.


I haven't been back for a full day yet and I can already think of a million things I want to do over the next month. I've started one so far and it's difficult to keep from jumping to all of the others in an attempt to do all of them right now. My only hope is that I'm able to remember them all long enough to finish them.

Video Games

College has fed my addiction. I know few people there to hang out with, so my computer gets a good deal of attention. In addition, friends in other places can easily join in via skype or in-game chat. It's a solid form of entertainment. The only problem is that my laptop is not a gaming computer. It can't handle a good deal of games that I'd like it to *COUGHCOUGH*PORTAL*COUGH* while one, admittedly terrible and laggy, computer here can. It's worth playing around the issues on this prehistoric machine and I finally have the chance to again. Portal, Spore, one simply called Pirates!, and, dare I even attempt it, The Sims are all on my list for this break. Granted, Portal is really the only one I'm interested in, but I've gone without the others for so long I'll probably end up playing them as well.

Nerds/Nerdy References

My college is painfully devoid of nerds. I have found four and am friends with two though I don't hang out with them often (which should be remedied). I never knew how, little by little, I had gotten used to having extreme nerdiness around me. I've always been a nerd, but it was well repressed until I found others like me. Now, I need it to breathe and I feel like I'm in a vacuum.

Here I shall end. This list is by no means complete, but I believe I've gone on for long enough today. I will pick up at this point next week. I hope you enjoyed my post and it gave you some things to think and be thankful about. To all of you on break, have fun and get some much-needed rest. To all of you still taking finals, I wish you luck and that the days until break pass quickly.

~ Entropy

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