Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Part Where He Trolls You

I have taken the severe dearth of posts in the last several months and the content of the last few revolving around the resignations of some of this blog's former power players, including if I am not mistaken the self-titled King of the Blog, to comprise an opportunity to be really verbose. Er, I mean declare myself the new SUPREME RULER OF TEH BLOG, bwahahahahaha!
 And now to act on some impulses, i.e. make some acts. Firstfully, an unsatisfyingly brief review of what's been going on from my perspective:
Um, well, er.
We were all in college, which is why there have been liek no posts. Since we weren't constantly seeing one another on a daily basis (frequently too, in rapid succession), directly and indirectly reminding each other and those around us about the existence of this silly thing, and given what I have diagnosed to be the fact that, having made this blog pretty much on a whim, we mostly didn't have our hearts in it, when we all went our more or less separate ways in college we forgot about it. (Am I right?) Also, I know I've frequently logged on  and found the lack of recent posts a deterrent from adding my own, getting the impression nobody would be around to read it, and I surmise this has happened to the rest of us as well. Integrate this over the span of about a year and the blog is a neglected mess. Kinda like Aperture Laboratories at the beginning of Portal 2 actually, making my above reference somewhat less random.
Also I've been playing an unhealthy amount of Minecraft, and that's all I have left to say at the moment. A toast now, to future crazy and random, yet fun, happenstances during the existence of what I have now claimed as MY Blog.
(bwahaha again, quietly, then "forever alone" face)
P.S. I've also recolored it, heeheehee.

1 comment:

  1. What happenstances? I almost thought it was coming back and then you didn't follow up... "A toast now, to future crazy and random, yet fun, happenstances during the existence of what I have now claimed as MY Blog."
