Monday, March 7, 2011


Greetings and Salutations,

Unfortunately, now is the sad time in which I bid all of you adieu, I am leaving the charge of the E-mail address to whoever in the blog wishes it, so if you have any questions, complaints, threats, allegations, please forward them to, the address for my new blog: The Interweb Consortium for Nerds and Geeks. I hope to stay in close connection to tbcrh as it is the parent, albeit not affiliated, blog of the one I have recently created.
 All of my posts have been moved over so if you want to read them, you will have to come and read my posts over there, otherwise, I wish you enjoyment in reading the articles over here at tbcrh. When I finish this post I will be signing out and canceling my ability to post, so I hope we can connect in some other way.

I'd like to thank both all of the posters and all of the readers for giving me this fantastic experience, I truly have enjoyed it.

Farewells and Valedictions,
Deposed of the Blog