Monday, November 15, 2010

It Lives!!

So The King of the Blog decided to revive this blog. In order to celebrate, I'm going to correct information on my previous posts that is either wrong or out of date (mostly the latter).

"The Contributors on this Blog are Lazy" (Oddly fitting):
  • Facebook no longer has as many errors, and you can now filter individual posts.
  • For the record, Facebook is still bad.
"Mario: Does he live up to the standards?":
  • I take back what I said about Super Mario Galaxy. I replayed it and got every star, and I have decided that it is actually a pretty beastly game. I really need to play Super Mario Galaxy 2...
"Nerdology 101: Mathematical Constants":
  • The format is fine now; ignore the sidenote at the end.
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver is out, and it is an awesome slice of childhood. If you like pokemon, or haven't ever played one before, this is a good place to start! (Just don't get Chikorita).
Apparently, I need to make some sort of posting schedule.... I'll post on Friday afternoon/evenings, and then we'll see what happens.

ACRONYM of the Blog

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