Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This is a short post

I'm not feeling long winded right now but felt I should add something else before I get kicked from admin privileges or posting privileges or whatever kinda power I hold over the layman. I don't like driving anymore. 5 hours of driving does that to me. It probably does that to a lot of people. I hate savannah. Having to spend 5 hours reaching a place makes that place terrible. I bet it does that to a lot of places. EXCEPTION: if sleep is heavily involved in the transmigration process, the diminishment of the location is in itself diminished to a sickly log graph. IDEAL SOLUTION: TELEPORTATION. MORE IDEAL SOLUTION: TELEPORTATION BY THOUGHT.
there's this remote: Harmony 700 remote control. Look it up. IE is sucking right now to the point where copy paste SUCKS. it's pretty useful for stuff. all kinds of stuff. including this laptop my aunt has. Who needs a remote for a portable device? that is, like, double lazy.
I'm going to invent a laptop that has a built in, retractable, completely hidden-when-not-being-used mouse so that I may never have to use a mousepad where I click in random places as I type, creating

sttyporange errors. hehe. orange. oh look. my aunt was planning to plan a party at 12AM on 3/4/2010. She is asleep. I don't think this party is gonna be ready in time. Hey you know what I found out? about 20% of internet use is still being direted by IE6. Not completely terrifying, until you learn that, when IE6 came out, microsoft was the sole browser competitor, and so it set up ridiculous, nonsensical, uncontested standards that made all web pages need special programming just for IE6. Now, programmers say that must still spend about 20% of their time on websites just making the darn things still compatible with this ancient behemoth of clumsy design. neat, huh. Makes me wanna make new standards for something that will cause countless hours of pain years after my decision was ruled foolish on every regard.
Wait, this isn't that short. Dang. Bye
I-Forgot_My-Name-On-This_Blog == myNewName

1 comment:

  1. whoa! stuff i post here shows up in google buzz! I'm cool enough to comment on my own post minutes after posting it
