Friday, December 31, 2010

The Blog is dying... again.

I hope this is simply because of the winter holidays (Entropy and The King of the Blog have already admitted to this and is the reason that my post is late). I cannot speak for the other posters, but at this rate the blog will die again because once you start the habit of not posting, it gets worse unless you do something about it.

Last week, I promised that I would do less of a cope out post, but I'm afraid that I'll have to for now (I'll update this with an actual post later, hopefully). I do hope that the blog revives after the break, as it has been neglected.


  1. I say we digitize this blog into the
    tron universe so instead of dying it can be derezzed. It sounds so much cooler that way.

  2. 1) It's due to holidays.
    2) People need to stop being stupidly negative and attacking other bloggers. There are plenty of things we could all blame others for and I, at least, am attempting not to.
    3) Before anyone complains about the lack of posts, they should post something.
