Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Unrelated Title is Unrelated

Hello, everyone! Here I am with Part 2 of the "Things I Learned the Value of at College". For some reason, the internet gods have decided to give my laptop power again, but I cannot leave this post half-completed. Onward to the list!


I must make a slight change to my comments on sleep. If you, like me, have friends that are somehow more nocturnal than yourself, sleep over the break is also impossible. All thoughts to the contrary were just futile hopes that will be smashed when you figure out that no day of hanging out will end before midnight. Seeing as leaving the fun is out of the question, just learn not to need sleep. In the end, it will help you in college as well.

Not Paying For Utilities

A large positive point to dorm life is that the amount I pay is constant no matter how much hot water I use or how high I set the AC. Our heater doesn't work there, but we also have people to come and fix it for free. If we weren't so busy studying and being lazy the past week or so, we could've been very comfortable. Laundry is also factored in to the housing costs. At home is a different story. I don't want to waste any money here and, as such, I'm doing a very accurate impersonation of a popsicle.

Dorm Life

My college has very nice dorms aside from the windows that don't open. I may have the smallest room of all 4 in the suite, but I have my own space that, by necessity, is actually cleanish and lockable. In that room, I am able to roll over and work on my laptop without ever getting out of bed much less going downstairs. Up to twenty feet from my room is the kitchen that is filled with things I bought so I always know what I have and, most importantly, what I can make in the least amount of time. It's all the cheapest food to be found, but college makes it a challenge to live on as little money as possible and I enjoy coming up with rather inventive ways to accomplish that. Without doubt, the best feature of dorm life is freedom (no offense, parents). I am infinitely thankful for being able to do what I please, invite people over, and eat and sleep on whatever schedule I feel best suits my class schedule -- often times meaning I get up, eat, go to class, take a nap, eat, do homework, eat, and go back to sleep to repeat the process the next day. Now, I'm not one of those people to have huge parties, get in trouble, or do any number of things "normal" college kids do, but it's nice not to have to explain your plans to anyone particularly because you don't really have any until minutes before you execute them.

Home Life

The good thing about being home is being able to get a little farther away from everyone in those times I do want to be alone. I don't have someone living in the room next to me, so I can turn up the music as loud as I like (which is not always loud, but is always accompanied by some sort of singing which can get very loud). I also like not having to hear what my roommates are doing especially when those things include blasting game shows and shouting out all of the answers or vacuuming from 9-11pm. Along those lines, I like having my own TV that I can watch in peace. Of course, family is also a positive point, but, seeing as I live with my cousin at college, family is never far away anyway.

Living On Little Or No Money

As much as this sounds like a terrible thing, I sometimes like the challenge and getting to exercise my creativity to fill basic needs. I once survived 4.5 days on the leftovers from the previous weekend and a sandwich. If that isn't skill, I don't know what is.

Having Money

I don't exactly have a lot of experience with this in or out of school, but I hear it's a nice thing. I can only hope that the lab pays me soon and I can sell my textbooks in order to get the ones I need for next semester, get presents for friends, and *gasp* maybe have a little left over for me and my growing list of things to buy. If anyone knows of any scholarships or money giveaways, now is the time to tell me.

I have a mission for you this week: comment on this post. If college has changed the value of something for you, taught you something, given you advice to share, or scholarship information to give out, comment about it. If you aren’t in college yet, look for the advice and maybe even take some of it.

Until next Tuesday!

Note: my post may be a bit late due to circumstances and activities that have yet to be verified.

~ Entropy

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