Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mario: Does he live up to the standards?

Go back in time with me for a minute. Mario, ever since he emerged from the original Donkey Kong Arcade game, has been a video game icon: probably the most famous one to this day. He's stared in countless video game titles. From the arcade, Mario made his way onto the Nintendo Entertainment System, the sole survivor of the console wars.

Now, back to the present. Mario has since been on every Nintendo console, (as well as the Philps CD-i, but we're going to ignore that failure of a console). Now, I'm starting to wonder: does Mario live up to his classic games in these new Wii games? Let's go through his 3 exclusive Wii games and find out!

Super Paper Mario: This is the 3rd game in the Paper Mario series. The original Paper Mario games were more RPG like, where it featured turn based battles and a variety of characters who help Mario on his journey. Now, Super Paper Mario goes away from this formula, and makes the game a platformer, with no interruptive battles, and all one smooth playthrough. Is this a good thing? Personally, I liked the original turn based gameplay better: it was a lot more challenging, longer, and had one of the toughest final bosses ever (referring to Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Old Door). But, this game is its own creation. The creativity in this game astounds me, where it jumps from world to world, with different graphics and a different gameplay style. It's very interesting and unique. Even with its creative gameplay though, I liked the original more because of it's challenge and RPG style gameplay. Does that make this game bad? Of course not!! This is, by all means, an excellent game. I found it a bit easy though, unlike The Thousand Year Old Door; that game was insane!! The final boss in that game took me FOREVER to defeat. I feel like this is mainly because of Nintendo trying to not scare away casual players with its difficulty. Overall, this game is one definitely worth playing, but it's not too hard, and not that long of a game.

Super Mario Galaxy: Okay, I love the graphics and the idea of Mario going to different planets. The camera angle adds a ton of depth to this game. But, for me, it's only a mediocre game. I mean, it's reminiscent of Super Mario 64 and all, but it just didn't have the greatest gameplay. It was typical, and not too different. It's a great game, don't get me wrong, but it's definitely not the best one out there, and I feel that's its gameplay style is a bit stale. Solid game, but it's a bit cliche.

New Super Mario Brothers: Okay, first off: I don't own this game, but I've played it, and it deserves a spot in this review. This is the only Wii game to not have a white case, which makes its red case really stand out, which is probably what they were going for. Fans of the original Mario games will LOVE this one. It features the original Mario side-scrolling action, but with up to 4 players. That's pretty insane. Nintendo did a great job with this game: you can to cooperate with your friend to get through the level, or you can be total jerks and annoy each other, so that you keep dying over and over again. The thing that I really don't like about this game, is how N008 friendly it is. If you fail a stage enough times, the game will let you bypass the level, or skip the part that you couldn't pass: for me, that kinda ruins the magic of the game. Why would I want to cheat myself from that challenge? Ah well, this game is a solid remake of the original Mario Brothers game, but remember: it's only a remake.

Essentially, I really feel like Mario on the Wii isn't that spectacular. The games are solid, but there's nothing new and original: only newer versions of the classic formula. I want to see a new Mario game in a way I haven't experienced or played before: I want something new. Of these 3, the closest was Super Paper Mario, but even then, the older games just seem better. And, at the last E3, when they announced Super Mario Galaxy 2, I wasn't that excited. I just thought "Okay, woohoo, another Mario Game." I wanted to be pumped for this release, but quite frankly, I can't. I hope I'm 100% wrong though, but I highly doubt that I will be.

Final Words: Nintendo, come up with a Mario game that's more original and more interesting that match your former timeless classics. That would be totally amazing. And, to those of you who are insulted by my review, don't take it seriously: it's an opinion. Although, if you look at the games in detail, I think that you'll find that the new games aren't quite up to par with the originals.
That's all for now,
ACRONYM of the Blog


  1. for DS => Bowsers Inside Story, it's pretty funny. You play Mario and Luigi but because Bowser sucked some magic pipes you can enter his body via the other end of the pipe and by doing that you can control Bowser (By jumping on his muscles, hitting his nerves and other stuff like that).

  2. That's quite an interesting concept. However, this review was specifically written to evaluate the Wii games and compare them to the older and nostalgic ones. I haven't played too many of the portable Mario games, but I may just check that one out.
