Monday, February 1, 2010 teeth.... that's weird. Where was I? oh yes! Video Games!

Hello again my non-existent viewers, and welcome to the first installment of old-school Gaming.
This section is for games that most people have played but I have just gotten around to playing. Basically I'm reviewing older, but still fun, games.

First off, Golden Sun. Great game if you can get through the first part. Not that it's hard, there's just way too much talking. Also, there is no way to skip any of it, you just have to wait and bear it. Other than that, there are some annoying puzzles in each dungeon. Some are fine, others take me quite a while to figure out, just so I can get one special sword. Combat however, is a different story. Very fun to perform and many options to choose from. Djinni hid throughout the game help in combat by performing a special ability ranging from attacking one enemy, healing your party, or reviving a character. After the ability is used, the djinni are ready to be used in a power attack. The attack hurts all enemies and is more powerful depending on how many djinni are ready. Or, you could use "psy-energy" which is just magic. Or you can attack normally. It's fun.

Final Fantasy Tactics. AMAZING GAME! A boy is placed into the world of Final Fantasy, joins a clan and fights to get back to his world. Along the way, you find more people to join your clan. There are many different classes from hunter, archer, sniper, thief, warrior, black mage, white mage, red mage, fencer, ninja, assassin fighter and animist.... to name a few. Many of the weapons you get (only one weapon type per class) give special abilities. After a certain amount of time wielding these weapons, the character masters the ability, meaning that you no longer need the weapon to use it. The battles can take a while and are extremely annoying at a few points. Some enemies can't move, but will take control of your characters and attack you. At one point, I only had a white mage to use until my other characters came out of their stupor. The amount of weapons, armor and abilities is a little daunting, as I forget what I still need very quickly. There are literally TONS of missions, each giving you items that can be used to perform other missions. If you fail a mission, you can redo it a few battles later. They range from dispatching one of your units for a certain amount of days or battles to fighting a few enemies. The map is fun to move around on, and random other clans will pop up and you can battle them, thus giving you an infinite supply of experience... if you have the time. All in all, an amazingly well-done game but can make you scream at some points.

Also, to show how amazing Google is, I would like to draw your attention to the bottom of this blog. Google automatically placed a search bar at the bottom and used the best line EVER! "find the droids you are looking for" I submit that google is awesome. and none can oppose it.

All right, that's all I got for now. More to come in the future.

-The Doctor

1 comment:

  1. LOLROFLMAO hee hee aha ha

    That was actually me that put the search bar at the bottom. I thought to throw it in a few days ago so visitors could find interesting posts in the rat's nest we're creating.
    Sorry to asplode your bubble. :P
