Wednesday, January 27, 2010

'ello everybody and welcome to another episode of *insert cool title here*

Ok fine, so there haven't been any episodes of *insert cool title here* yet but there will be, oh, there will be. I'm the 'newguy' John, I'm known for terrible spelling, playing too many video games, general slacking, and not actually being in magnet. It looks like I'm supposed to have a cool nickname so I think I'll take Sir Awesome of awesomeville, no scratch that, it sounds too stuck up, let's just go with Lord of the Blog...yes Lord of the Blog it is.

Let's see, now that all thats out of the way now onto to juicy bit. Everyone, I am a really really big geek who has too much knowlege about my interests. Many of my interests are electronic related such as video games and anime but I also like tabletop, mainly warhammer 40k. On to my current addictions; chuck, dr. who, mass effect 2, team fortress 2, aion, and killing floor.

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